- open, restricted and negotiated tender procedures. Framework agreements. Single Contracting Authority (SCA);
- project financing, including for services under Art. 278 D.P.R. no. 207/2010. Special purpose vehicles;
- project assignments;
- electronic auctions;
- services under annex IIB [to d.Lgs. 163/2006];
- participation by foreign firms in tender procedures launched by Italian public authorities. Collaboration for the filling in of applications for participation and relevant forms. Possibility to use documents originating from EU and non-EU foreign countries;
- temporary joint ventures (TJV) be they horizontal, vertical or mixed; the principle of symmetry in light of the decisions taken in plenary session, no. 22 and 26/2012;
- access to the tender documents, application for and limitations of access;
- for the contracting authorities, drafting of tender documents (planning, resolution/determination to contract, call for bids, tender specifications, bidding rules, invitation letters, award decisions, verification of the possession of general and special requirements, contract);
- planning in public works contracts, service contracts and supply contracts;
- offences that affect professional morality, DURC [Single Insurance Contribution Payment Certificate], reports to the AVCP [Authority for the Supervision of Public Contracts], failure to pay taxes. Equitalia [State-owned tax collection agency];
- electronic market, supplier register, supplier list and CONSIP [the state-owned public stock company that is the concessionary for public IT services]. Facility management;
- Simplified acquisition procedures, direct award, treasurer’s fund, minor expenses;
- traceability of payments and implementation procedures relevant to Art. 48bis, D.P.R. 29 September 1973, no. 602;
- anti-mafia certificates;
- assistance to the RUP [Single Official in charge of Procedure];
- tender commissions, procedures for the relevant sessions, appointment and members;
- criteria for the selection of the best offer. Lowest price and most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). Unit-price tender and price list;
- abnormally-low tender, verification of the anomaly and sub-procedure;
- labour cost, personnel cost, workplace safety;
- sub-contract, authorisation, pooling, requirements;
- publicity and institutional websites, commissioning body’s profile;
- notices under Art. 79 d.lgs. no. 163/06. Recording;
- variations;
- testing, compliance review, compliance review certificate, certificate of correct completion;
- annulment and revocation of the award, of the call for bids and of the tender documents;
- public contracts;
- site engineer and performance of the contract. No renewal, possible extension. Limits and opening up of courts to new approaches;
- traceability of financial flows, limits, exemptions and duties;
- publicity and publication obligations;
- green public procurement (so-called appalti verdi);
- templates, drafts and samples of calls for bids, bidding rules, contracts, invitation letters, documents and orders.