Damonte Law Firm

The Damonte Law Firm began its activity in 1994.
The Damonte Law Firm began its activity in 1994.
It avails of a number of experienced, up-to-date professionals specialising in the field of administrative law, with particular regard to the subjects of public contracts, building industry, town-planning, correct use of the territory, as well as of the organisation of public authorities.
Moreover, the activity of the Law Firm regards public-private partnership initiatives, enhancement of public heritage, administrative procedure and its digitisation, business and manufacturing sites (ICT, renewable energies, public housing).
The Firm offers advice and out-of-court assistance in its different areas of specialisation, listed in the Topics on the left.
In particular, the Firm provides legal advice:
All business operators, both Italian and foreign
- to all business operators, both Italian and foreign, who intend to invest in Italy, and particularly in the Liguria Region, in the commercial, residential and high-tech service sector: the Firm facilitates contacts with public Administrations and territorial authorities and ensures the smooth handling of the relevant administrative matters;
New economic initiatives
- for the best management of the relationships between public Authorities and business operators, be they Italian or foreign, interested in setting up new enterprises, especially for how best to increase the value of public heritage, including through service concessions, project financing and sponsorships.
Consulting activity
The consultancy is therefore also aimed at public administrations as regards the identification of the legal rules applicable to the management of their relations with other public bodies and with private economic operators.
The Damonte Law Firm assists its clients in disputes before ordinary and administrative jurisdiction at all levels of judgement.
The Damonte Law Firm is based in Genoa, Via Corsica 10/4, tel. 010/570.14.14, fax 010/54.13.55. E-mail: segreteria@studiodamonte.it