- notice of initiation under Art. 7, Law no. 241/90 (if, when, how);
- interim measures taken pending an administrative procedure;
- the suspension of administrative orders under Art. 21-quater, Law no. 241/90;
- internal review: revocation under Art. 21-quinquies, Law no. 241/90 and annulment under Art. 21-nonies, first subparagraph, Law no. 241/90;
- validation of administrative orders;
- the SCIA [Certified Activity Start-Up Notice], tacit consent rule and remedies aimed against silence;
- consultation with competent authorities;
- agreements on the procedure and on the administrative order and agreements between different public administrations;
- access to administrative documents, access acts and regulations;
- administrative procedure, organisational unit, official in charge of the procedure and official in charge of passing the administrative order;
- terms for the conclusion of administrative procedures;
- collective bodies, quorum for the validity of meetings and quorum for passing resolutions, absent members and minute taking;
public administration